So...I'm going Wednesday to get my dress altered. My mom ordered a runner last night and we ordered a bouquet. I hope I'll like it once it comes. I got something real small. I didn't want one but was worried about what a dork I would be walking alone with nothing to do with my hands.
Kerry is amazing and gave me an AWESOME idea for a guest book. So I went and bought part of that last night.
I have to order my red chucks and we have to order Josh's shoes.
I ordered the boys suits already....I hope they fit ok and I am sure they will look so adorable. I probably won't have them wear the jackets since it may be hot.
We are still trying to figure out food...since we're just doing hour'derves, trying to do not too many hot so we don't have to make the house ridiculously hot during the day...and so we aren't slaving over a stove all day.
I really need to make my hair apptointment...and do a trial.
I also need to go and get my nails done this week. I haven't had acrylics on in years. My hands did look so much better though. That and I won't be picking at them all day.
I need to find someone that can at least speak English so I can help them getting nails on my two short fingernails. My old nail tech was ingenious and found a way to get them on and still get a good amount of acrylic to hold them on.
I'm so nervous about all of this coming together.
We still need to WRITE the ceremony. hello big task.
We have books and stuff we just need to find the time to sit down and do it. It's not like we have twins or anything.
This has been a source of a few nightmares about the wedding.
ok so for my own peace of mind.
a list of things left to do
. write up food list
. reserve keg
. buy wine
. purchase addtl drinks (soda)
. hair trial
. nail appointment
. dress alteration
. order shoes (mine, Josh's, the boys)
. purchase disposable cameras
. purchase film
. write ceremony!
. tan to try and clear up bad eczema spots
. check on table rentals, chaffing dishes
. finish picking music
. print photo list
I also know that Josh is getting me something as a wedding gift...and I have NO CLUE as to what to get him.