The internet is down at home again.
This weekend was ok. Friday I had off work and spent the day with the boys, my aunts and my mom. We went all over town and got plates, serving trays, forks and cups for the wedding. I felt like we at least got some things taken care of. Oh yeah...I bought the tulle for the arch...and I still need to buy flowers and take care of food stuff.
The boys were cranky as all get out the next day. Josh had to work Saturday so I was home with them all day Saturday and we did finally get some good naps in, so that was good.
When Josh got home, I went and dropped off our laundry and went to Target to find a top for the next day.
Sunday was my bridal luncheon thing at Cafe Emilie's...they had a brunch buffet with bottomless mimosas. We had a great time and the food was delicious.
After that I went home and got the boys changed, Josh took a shower and we went over to my mom's. They watched the boys while we went and cleaned the office. My cousin came over after the luncheon to see the boys since she hasn't seen them since about Thanksgiving.
It was awesome to get to spend time with my Aunt Judy too. The boys absolutely adored her. She cried and cried when we were leaving last night. She said it was sad that the next time she sees them they'll be up and walking.
I'll have to post pictures once everyone emails them to me.
We totally have to clean our apartment and get packed. It's so cluttered and I'm seriously going to lose it.
I hope we can find a place to move to sometime soon...but nothing is sticking out just yet.
I was rubbing Taylor's gums last night...and found a new tooth! He has one to the left of his two bottom he now has three on top and three on the bottom!!! I can't believe how fast they're growing. My sweet boys.
I feel so bad when we have bad days like Saturday. They were just miserable. We really have to keep them on a better schedule. I just can't keeping them running with me all day. They have to have time to get a good nap in and not just napping in the car seats in between places.
We tried sweet potatoes this weekend! Taylor loved them and Callum dry heaved and gagged! haha. So we have one that hates bananas and one that loves them and the same with sweet potatoes...definitely two different babies!
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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