The weather was gorgeous. We had sunny, chilly and overcast all in the same day.
It made for a perfect day of just hanging out in their great backyard.
I love going to my mom's to relax. Even if it is with the boys and not always totally relaxing...they just have the best backyard to just chill.
Pappaw had a little garage sale going on in the driveway when we got there.
He pulled out a slot car track he bought at a yard sale when the boys were probably one years old.
He figured they were old enough now to enjoy it and they sure did.
It took a little bit of fixing up and sanding the track a bit so the cars made connection but once it was up and running the boys had a blast.
They had a water fight with Pappaw. It was them with spray bottles versus him with a cup full of water or a squirt gun. Not really a fair fight!
They love wandering around their backyard and checking out the garden and all of the flowers my mom has back there.
It's just beautiful.
I got to lounge in the sun and the boys went swimming in the hot tub.
That's a flashback to my childhood and growing up practically living in my grandparent's hot tub.
Taylor knows he can reach the bottom and really has gotten daring about going from the sides to standing on the bottom and jumping around.
It's good to see him getting so confident in himself.
Callum was a little more leery and not quite ready to let go of Mammaw while they were in there.
He was a little spider monkey and not impressed with his brother trying to egg him on to walk on the bottom with him.
It was a great day.
Pappaw sanding some of the pieces of the slot cars while the boys waited patiently

Time for water fights!

Hot Tub Time!

Callum's very serious face

Mammaw & the boys

Taylor trying to get his brother to see how he can stand in the middle.....didn't go over well