The boys had their first play a few weeks ago.
It was all of the kids from Kindergarten and First grade in their school.
They had been practicing some songs for weeks in school in their theater arts class.
Taylor was a weed and Callum was a bunny.
It was so cute and hilarious seeing all the kids singing. The school's sound system was pretty terrible and I had to try so hard to not laugh when the kids that had speaking parts came up to the microphone and got super close to it and did their lines. It was pretty hard to hear what they were saying since it sounded like they were swallowing the microphone. The boys just had singing parts, I think they had a few of the first graders that did the few speaking parts.
The boys were so excited about being in a play and were so proud.
They did a great job and weren't nervous at all about singing in front of a whole gym full of people watching.
The kids all made their "costumes" in class which were little hats to go with what character they were.
I was surprised at the turnout of parents. They really had a full house.
Just my family there were 8 of us there for the boys.
I need to take the time and upload the video we took. It was just too cute.

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