We spent almost five hours there. I was exhausted by the end of the day.
They had a blast. Right now they have Body by Sesame Street as a visiting exhibition.
They loved being able to see Elmo's house, play in Harper's grocery store and especially the grosser parts of the exhibit about poop, sneezing, and stomach acid.
Besides that part of the museum they love going to see the giant Polar Bears the museum has had for years. They're still scared to stand too close to the glass figuring they will wake up any second.

This was Grover's relay to teach them over, under, through, sliding and jumping. Callum was getting mad at the other kids that were going the wrong way.

Sneeze Machine

We were stopped more times than I can even count to ask if they were twins. Everyone had the usual "you have your hands full" "I'm glad I'm not you" the typical stupid comments that people normally make when we're out in public.
The boys hardly notice anymore when they're being ogled and I am being questioned about if they were conceived the "regular" way or not.
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