I can't believe it. The boys will be four in exactly one month!
It really does seem like a million years and just yesterday that they were born.
We've come so far, but it's gone by so quickly.
They amaze me everyday.
Their speech is getting better and better. They're so smart and perceptive. Nothing gets by them.
I feel totally amazed at these two little guys.
I'm thankful every day to have them in my life.
I couldn't imagine it without them.
They're becoming so independent compared to just a year ago.
It's strange, sad and exciting all at once.
We're having a hard time figuring out what to do for their birthday this year.
I would like to have it at our new house in the backyard and inside. I just like the feel of home birthdays.
It's a lot of work with clean up before and after.
I keep swaying between doing it at home and just doing it at a kids play place.
We have a great place local called Puzzle's Fun Dome.
You have limited time in their party room, but you can play in their play area basically until they close.
When we did the party at the other place last year you get a total of about two hours to play, eat pizza, do cake and open presents.
While crammed into a short time frame it seemed so frenzied.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
4 years old. Wow. I think they are doing great on their speech--they are adorable. Ya'll are doing an awesome job with these little guys. So what is the theme going to be this year?
time goes by so fast girl.. my twins are 8 and i feel like i just had them.. but can't imagine life without them :) enjoy it.. they will be in school and everyday is so changing! :)
Maria, They've already requested to have a Star Wars Clone Wars party of course. That's this years obsession! lol
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