It's so weird to not just call up Nana to see how they're doing.
Callum was up and ready to get dressed this morning and Taylor was dragging his feet, begging to stay home and that he was too tired to go and would have NO fun today.
He finally relented and was happy as a clam once we got there.
It's so nice to have the school so close to our house.
Nana will walk up there and pick them up between 12 and 12:30 each day after they have lunch and before they have naptime at school.
We went in on Friday for them to meet the teachers and to see their classroom and ended up staying for a few hours Friday, they didn't want to leave!
I think once the novelty wears off some they may cry once we get to school.
Today was very smooth though, as soon as we got there they went to their activities and basically ignored me!
I'm so glad that it's been a seemingly easy transition so far and has been easy on me since they aren't screaming when I leave them.
Josh and I went and bought new couches this weekend!!
I'm so excited. This is our first big furniture purchase together besides our bed, and our first living room piece that isn't a hand me down!
My skin will also thank me once I don't have to sit on the faux leather couches we have.
The actual purchase was so easy. We both agreed on the same one basically straight away!

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