They had requested to have it at Pump It Up. We had gone there a month or so ago for one of their second cousin's birthday parties and they had a blast.
It's an indoor party place with a room you get to yourself and your guests with a bunch of jump houses and a big inflatable slide.
The kids ran and played for over an hour, then we moved into the party room.
Taylor and Callum were SO looking forward to sitting in the giant blow up throne to open their presents.
Taylor had been calling it the King chair.
I had baked five cakes that week and my sister and I were going to make their cake ourselves. We made a two level, five tier cake and used about 4.5 pounds of frosting! I bought the huge tub at Hobby Lobby.
Ashley & I were up until about 1:30am Friday night decorating the cake.
I was mostly just the helper since she's the talented superstar out of the two of us.
It came out AMAZING!
When I came home Friday night from work my dad had sent the boys each a neat chair from Pottery Barn kids, one that had Superman embroidered and the other had Batman. They've been lounging in their chairs ever since.
We had them open our presents in the morning before their party. They got guitars (real ones like Daddy's), some books, a Batman and a Superman cape I got from Etsy, backpacks, pjs and two movies...The Great Mouse Detective and Sword in the Stone.
They got so many awesome gifts from everyone at their party.

Callum going down the slide.

Taylor playing bouncy basketball

Mommy & Taylor sliding

Mom & Dad got in on the race action. We lost.

Shannon carried Callum up like a Spider Monkey

Taylor owned at air hockey

The adults milling around


Callum was done playing and wanted cake.

Taylor steering himself

Josh & Isabella (the noodle)

kiddos eating

Callum says bling bling!



Taylor eating his cupcake in the King Chair

Present Opening!

Pump it Up was pretty great.
They were pretty organized. We didn't have to do anything.
We went and played and they set up the whole room, made sure all the presents were set out on a table.
Taylor loved having a lady that did his bidding! haha.
They even keep a log of gifts for your thank yous.
I think everyone had a great time, and mostly we didn't have to clean up!
I love the cake!
That looks like a fun place!
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