I really didn't think anyone like him existed for me.
It was pure luck that we found each other, and even more when we had our boys.
They are the light of our lives and I couldn't think of anyone better to take this "trip" with.
He's an amazing father, a provider, friend, husband.
We're not perfect but we're on this road together. We learn from each other and we're a unit.
Neither of us have the patience of saints but we try to help each other out and step in when the other needs the help.
The boys adore their daddy.
They couldn't keep quiet about making a card just for him for Father's Day, so they've been telling him about it for a week now.
When they got up they ran to him and exclaimed HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
After all of that it was back to the daily routine, asking daddy what he was going to make them for breakfast and wanting to have their pictures back that they made him.
I'm clinging on to our little boys right now knowing that they're still momma's boys but soon everything will be about daddy.
It may make me a little sad, but I'll stand back and watch with a huge smile on my face.

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