I've never been prouder of being labeled anything as I am of being labeled mommy.
These little boys are my heart.
My favorite part of the day was as soon as Callum's eyes popped open that morning he immediately said "Happy Mother's Day Mommy!" and gave me a big hug.
Realistically I can't ask for more than that to make it a great day.

The boys also got their second haircut ever on mother's day my mom.
They were so good for Mammaw and didn't scream or freak out at all.
That's because Mammaw has magic scissors.
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh
Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont
My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. ~Graycie Harmon
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