my goodness i'm a mess today! i'm so nervous for tonight, excited to see kerry the most! haha.
i'm excited to see my dad and patty on friday...and just get everyone together and have fun friday night. it's going to be wonderful.
i'm so nervous about my hair. i can't even read our vows over anymore. everytime i do i cry. thinking of seeing josh waiting for me when i walk out makes me cry. goodness.
we have so much to do. josh has his timeline written out for that day. he has a ton of things to do apparently and most that he can't tell me because they're his super secret stuff.
i bought his wedding present. i got him a pocket watch and had it engraved. on the front i put what we have inside of our rings "always and forever" and on the back it says "meet me at 7" and the date. i hope he likes it. i'm going to leave it in our room when i leave the house for the day, on the bed so he can find it with the meet me at part up.
i bought my mom a thank you card yesterday and i want to write out some long mushy stuff in it. she has done SO much for this wedding and has been such a huge help. she's been amazing.
i want her to know how much i appreciate all her hard work for this.
they're buying us lunch here at work today. yay.
tonight we have to clean the office, print out our vows and little cards for the cameras...and i need to steal a hole puncher to bring home so we can finish up our guest book.
so much to do.
i can't wait for 11pm to come around! eeeeeeeeee
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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