I don't even know where to begin about the last four days!
The visit with Kerry was amazing. It wasn't awkward one moment. We had a great time and I wish she didn't have to leave so soon.
We're married!!!!!!!! It was so great. I was determined to not go bridezilla that day and took everything in stride and kept a positive attitude. The day was wonderful. My hair came out fabulous, Kerry is a magician with makeup. Even I thought I looked pretty :) Kristen was awesome and took care of me before the ceremony and got me all calm and helped me down the stairs. They were both so great.
I'm pretty sure everyone had fun.
I can't wait to get the pictures to show everyone.
The past couple of nights have been rough with the boys. I've lost my temper with Josh a couple times, not because he did anything...just because I was frustrated over the situation.
They haven't wanted to sleep at all at night lately. I'm exhausted.
My wedding present from Joshua was my heart tattoos! yay!
They were devil and angel hearts he drew me when we first started dating. I've wanted them on the backs of my legs for two years now.
Let me tell you, the calves are NO FUN being tattooed.
I only made it through one outline and shading. We have an appointment to go back for the other and color on both.
Josh got his wedding ring tattoo. He got an XIII on his ring finger for our wedding day.
When I have more wits about me I'll try to write up a proper post about it all...with pictures eventually.
I've never been happier. Now onto the house search.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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