We had a fairly exhausting Thanksgiving. We got up that morning and had breakfast. Waited around to actually get hot water and bathe the boys so they would smell all baby good for the day.
We packed up two diaper bags, the boys carriers, their car seats, bouncy seats and ourselves and drove to the west end to get Josh's mom. Then we drove out to prp to Josh's aunt Mary’s house. The boys got to meet their second cousins Joe Joe, Jonathan and Krista (their fraternal twins born a month before the boys).
We took pictures of the two sets of twins, which I’ll post later. We only got a few and our camera died even though Josh had it plugged in all night.
We hung out with his family for a bit and had some food. His Aunt made the greatest ham in existence. It was so delicious. Then we drove back across town and Josh popped in our house to get the peanut butter fudge and hummus he made and we went to my Mom's. They had already sat down and ate so we made our plates and had some more food. We had a good time. We got to see my cousin and her husband; she hasn't seen the boys since they were born.
By this time it was about 6:30 and we again packed up the car and headed back to the west end to his aunt Bernadine’s. Everyone had just left from her house so we got to sit and talk to her and her husband and that was nice.
We had some dessert and then finally came home. It was only 8:30 but I felt like we had been out all day and it had to be at least midnight. I was exhausted. The boys were super cranky that night and really showed the wear of driving all around town and having a million people hold them.
Needless to say we won't be doing that for Christmas.
It was really nice to see so much family for the holiday though, and I’m really happy that we got to spend time with Josh’s side of the family as well.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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