The appointment went well. Callum is still behind on his measurements. They didnt' seem too concerned about it. I think because he is still behind Taylor they aren't getting "proper" measurements anyway. Callum's approximate weight was 5lbs 9oz and Taylor's was 6lbs 3oz. Either way I am happy that they are both way over 5 and doing great. They both got 8 out of 8 on their scoring. Which I am guessing means that they are moving and breathing and doing everything that they expect them to be doing. I forgot to remember what their heartbeats were...but they were in normal range as well. My ultrasound took all of about 15 minutes and then I got to hang out in the waiting room for nearly an hour and a half to see the doctor...and another about 20 minutes in the room waiting for the doctor to see me. Needless to say I was pretty pissed by the time I got out of there today. My feet were huge from sitting without them up and I could barely get my shoes on when I went to leave the room from seeing the doctor. She said I still look good and they are happy with my blood pressure and everything else. yay for 11 days to go. I can't take much longer.

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