I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up on the bathtub til around 1am or so. I brought the book about twin pregnancy and the first year of twins. I was reading through what you look like this week and this week....and it stopped at 34-36 weeks and jumped right to post partum and delivery.
So apparently according to even this book I should be done by now!!
I got the transfer cable from my mom's tonight......so I have pictures of the naked belly for everyone's viewing *pleasure* ?
So warning.....pregnany stretch marked belly ahoy.
I tried to crop out my gross looking mirror in most of the pictures.
Man I need to windex.


another sort of front on picture. the babies haven't "dropped" really so the bottom of my belly is sort of saggy which is really weird.

the other side view

sideview kinda up close.
these stretch marks are driving me insane. they ITCH so BAAAAAAAAD.
so there we have it.
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