sitting at this desk makes my back ache.
pregnancy makes me tired...but i can't ever sleep.
i went shopping with my mom saturday for baby shower stuff...that was pretty fun.
we went and had lunch and then i spent the rest of the day at her house hanging out with my sister. she did my toes and we just sat on the back porch and talked.
when josh picked me up later we all went back to the apartment and watched some tv and then i vacuumed the whole apartment while josh and evan put together the other crib and rearranged what will be the boys room.
it look so much better than it did before!
my mom decided to not play the dirty diaper (candy bar) game. lol she thought it was too gross.
so she came up with five other games. one she said she is filling up a tray with baby stuff and its like a memory game...everyone has to try and remember what they saw and write as much down as they can remember.....then all the stuff from the tray is mine!
i was amazed to see their whole spare room filled with baby and baby shower stuff.
it made me smile to see my mom so excited for these boys to be here.
she bought some cute bibs at kmart that say i love my grandma on it....with a little precious moments boy on the front....i know she got them because her mom loved precious moments...she got all choked up in kmart over them.
i keep giving her crap about always trying to buy them matching she looked at me as she put two in the cart and said....well they both love their they get one each! haha. ok mom.
yesterday i drove around looking for a new power supply for our keeps crapping out on us. the cheapest one i could find was 79.99. i guess that will wait a while and i will continue to beat, kick or drop the power supply to get it to work.
i got a yummy smoothie from smoothie king and then went home and baked brownies, watched tv and took a nap.
josh's birthday is today......i ordered him a dvd online...but i guess i'm going to go out at lunch and see if i can find anything else that catches my eye.
i feel like he deserves to know how special he is to me...and that i am thankful for the day he came into this world.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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