i decided i'm staying home today. i woke up in the middle of the night because i was choking, and i realized that i had almost choked on my own throw up. that was the most disgusting thing ever. i don't think i've been able to move that fast in a long time. i sprinted for the bathroom to get the rest out in there and blow my nose. i have an awful migraine this morning.
tomorrow i hit the 32 week mark. the boys are still wriggling all around in there. my belly button is starting to stick out a bit more.
i couldn't satiate my appetite yesterday. the problem with that is, the heartburn and later the vomiting, but i felt like all i wanted to do was eat all day.
the weekend was fairly uneventful. joshua and i went saturday for him to do some measurements at the new shop he'll be working part time at. back to piercing for him. i think he's really excited, he's missed working in a shop and doing piercings. i'm glad he found a second job that he's excited about.
we went and saw pirates of the caribbean. i liked it, i expected the ending since there will be a part three. it was a bit long and i was squirming in my seat towards the end. i wanted to kill the old lady next to me that kept sucking her teeth. she was driving me insane.
got some pretty horrible news about a friend of mine. our friend sam's younger brother eric got into a motorcycle accident saturday night, apparently he had been drinking some after work and was headed somewhere and crashed his bike as he was getting off the freeway.
he had to be airlifted to university hospital downtown, they took his right leg off right above the knee, i guess it was pretty badly crushed. his pelvis and his hip are both fractured in many places. they already had to take his leg saturday night and i think starting today they will start surgeries on his pelvis and hip.
i feel awful that he is having to go through all this, and i have part of an attitude like he knew what he was taking into his hands when he drank and got on that motorcycle and drove recklessly.
he's lucky that the people that saw him crash got back on and off the freeway to check on him and call 911 and his mom.
well i am going to try and drift back to sleep.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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