omg! wow, 70 days left!
so far today has been a nice relaxing day. josh slept in until about 7 or so and i got up at my usual 9. he wanted sausage gravy and biscuits but we didn't really feel like going out out for breakfast, so he made a run to DQ for his biscuits and made a stop at McD's for some flapjacks! They were delicious.
I just ate a huge baby spinach and romaine lettuce salad with egg and cheese and the best croutons ever.
I am contemplating getting into the freezer for the last klondike bar.
Josh is napping now and I am flipping through the channels and watching some Dr Phil.....there isn't much else on.
It's raining and thundering now for the past couple hours, Minnie has been hiding in her crate because thunder terrifies her.
Piggy of course is snuggled up with Daddy under the blankets and taking a nap with him.
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