Here's where we are today!!
It's so crazy to look at that and remember in the beginning when I was watching them change each week and still being so far back on the scale!
I had a rough night last night. My whole body is still sore. My lower back is just killing me and I could do nothing but cry and try to get comfortable.
Josh has been working in Lexington since last week. They are driving there every morning and back every night. Thankfully they are taking a work truck there. Josh's switch that they put in this weekend to run his fan starting to get so hot yesterday that he burnt himself trying to turn it off when he got home last night and it wouldn't shut off. So, we got to go back to Pep Boys and buy another switch with higher amperage and volts and that seemed to help. I like actually knowing some things.....at least I can help (sort of) while he was putting in the new switch and suggest help while he was trying to ground it.
Makes me feel a little useful. Josh also got a kick out of our last couple of trips to Pep Boys because I LOVE the smell of auto part stores. I just love all the rubber and product smells. I can just stand there and do deep inhales like ahhhhh......I need to work in a car store. haha.
Thank goodness he got the fan working properly again....and it seemed to not being so hot that it was going to catch on fire...so that was good.
No need to set one our cars ablaze.
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