I took them sitting in the car, one with my shirt on and then two sitting at my desk here at work. They are all on my camera phone, so they aren't all that great quality...but it will give you a general idea!
Today I am 28 weeks and 3 days.
They have been SO active today. I had my little Piglet (my doggy) laying on my stomach last night like she likes to do...just staring up at me and they kept kicking her in the face. She didn't even react at all! I am sure she could hear their heartbeats since dogs have such great hearing...I wonder if she suspects anything or just thinks I have three heartbeats all of a sudden.
this first one is from a bbq the sunday before memorial day at my mom's house. i was 24 weeks and five days in this picture...it was so damn hot that day! my mom and aunt were in the hottub and i took the big ole umbrella that was spiked in the ground out to stand near them to talk to them!

today in the car with my shirt down

at work with the shirt up

and another with the shirt up....it looks like my belly button is really poking out...but it's just cause i was holding the top of my stomach. you can see more of my stretch marks....weeeee

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