So, here is where we are today.
It's amazing to see them moving up on the little scales. Awesome to see that they are getting some baby fat on them and can hear and recognize my voice!
I had a total freak out moment last night of worrying about if I was going to be an awful mom.
I know that I am going to love them with everything I am.
But, I guess it's normal to go through that terrified, freak out. I don't even know what exactly I'm worried about....just worried I guess. It's scary to go to a mom of none to a mother of two. I know that we will do just fine...it's going to be a huge adjustment. But, I'm ready for it.
I have been so exhausted lately. I seriously have zero energy to do anything at all.
I wanted to go home and clean up the kitchen yesterday, scrub the stovetop, clean up the bathroom....clean up the living room. Pfft........I went home and didn't do a damn thing. When I got home Josh was doing the dishes and starting dinner. I sat on the couch and we talked about his day and then we ate dinner and watched tv, laughed at the dogs.....our usual night thing. He cleaned up the leftovers from dinner and then we watched more tv.
I had no intention of getting my ass off that couch and doing anything. I just layed there like a sack.
I feel so useless.
I guess at least I half attempted to clean out the mess that is my car yesterday. On lunch I put all the empty water bottles, gatorade bottles and paperwork from when we were looking for apartments into a garbage bag. So, I can actually have passengers in the back seat now.......sort of.
Goodness. I really need to find energy....anyone want to lend me some?
I came in an hour late this morning because I just had to sleep in until 8. There was no way I could get up at 7 this morning. I just couldn't.
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