To be honest the glucose test really wasn't too bad. Maybe I just like sugary stuff....or I was extra thirsty but I drank that stuff down in no time. They gave it to me real cold and it tasted just like a sunkist soda.
I drank that stuff as soon as I got there...and then went back to the sonogram area. My sister Shannon and Evan met me there and came in to see the sonogram. Both the boys are measuring right on target! Taylor (baby A) is weighing at 2lbs 2oz and Callum (baby B) is weighing at 2lbs.
I was so happy that they have seemed to close that wide gap in their weight difference. At my last appointment they was a 5 ounce difference between the two of them. Their heartrates were 161 and 133. They were really happy with how both of them looked. When she measured their femurs I noticed the estimated weeks and days went a lot higher than when she measured their bellies or it seems they have some long legs!
After all the baby measurements I told Shannon and Evan they could wait outside since we had to do the dildo cam and check out my cervix. They are still pretty pleased with seems to be long and holding in there.
I forget what the exact measurement was now.......but about where it was last time I think.
After all that fun stuff I got to head back to the lab and have them draw my blood and then head into a room and wait for my doctor. She was happy to see that I am feeling better and able to eat again. I am down another pound from last time I was no weight gain yet...but as long as the boys are gaining weight and getting all they need that makes me happy. total from when I was sick to now that makes it a 10 pound weight loss for me.
They're supposed to call me this week if there is anything wrong with the gestational diabetes test....if so, I'll have to go back for the three hour. I am keeping my fingers crossed....but at least I know the stuff isn't all that bad.

Taylor’s profile

Callum’s profile
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