I've been doing really good with my amount of water intake! I have been so bad about keeping up with drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I'm still not quite to a whole 8 but I am getting there. I brought in one of 32oz left over gatorade bottles to fill up from the water cooler here, and I try and drink as much as I can throughout the day. Usually I can get at least one whole one down....so that's better.
My prenatals haven't been making me as sick as they were. I stopped taking them for a week while I was sick because between coughing and sneezing at night and burping and having the feeling to throw up because of the vitamins, I just couldn't take it.
I took the last couple nights and they've been no problem. thankfully.
I spend most of my day at work reading the lj communities about babies and online window shopping for baby stuff. Once we have our sonogram on April 6th and hopefully find out sex we'll start doing the registry at babies r us or somewhere and pick out some sort of theme for some things.
I get so excited looking at baby stuff.
I found the type of cribs that I would like. They are a 4 in 1 conversion crib that goes from a crib to a toddler bed with or without a half rail and then can go to a full size bed.
I would rather have something that can grown with them, then it two years have to buy new beds again....thank goodness mom volunteered to buy our cribs! I know that i just have to find something affordable and not over the top. Unlike the crib my boss is buying for her son and his wife that are expecting. She showed me the crib on pottery barn babies....and holy shit. The crib is $699. That is really just unnecessary for a crib, I mean it does grow with them and all but seriously, you can find them online for around 200 and even that price makes me gasp just knowing I have to get two.
I guess if you have it, you can spend it like her.
Joshua is finally going to the doctor today since he caught my cold and has been so miserable, the poor thing. Hopefully they can give him something that won't cost too much or the doctor will give him the trial stuff knowing that he doesn't have insurance. I can't wait for til he can get insurance in a month and a half so we don't have to shell out so much for his medications. Nothing like joking but being half serious to get married so he can get on my insurance.
Hopefully his insurance will be cheaper to add the babies on to. I'll be working solely for child care and insurance if they go on mine.
Ok....no stressing today. I can't help but get a little antsy thinking about child care for two and all of the other expenses. But....as Joshua says....we will be fine. Everything will be ok. He has the greatest knack of telling me those things and I always believe him.
He's so great. I love him.
I can't wait to see our babies again in exactly 13 days!!
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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