The last couple of months the boys have gotten increasingly worse about never sleeping in their own beds. I can try to get them to stay in them longer by making sure I go in there before I finally fall asleep to make sure they're covered up and in their beds without dangling over the sides.
It was definitely time to get rid of the toddler beds when each night I went in and their faces were smashed up against the little rails and from their waist down was hanging over the side.
They're pretty fretful sleepers anyway and being in a small bed really didn't help with that at all.
Josh and I had a few different options in mind for quite a while now. There was a loft bed that Ashley Furniture had that we really liked because of the storage and having to have two beds in their room. Callum is terrified of heights it's turned out so we knew that a bunk bed just wasn't going to work. They're both like me when they wake up and stumble around and we definitely didn't want to chance someone not making a step and falling off the bunk.
We ended up going to something like 6 furniture places last Saturday checking out different options. We still liked the loft beds but they were pretty pricey, especially since we had to buy two and that didn't include having to buy mattresses as well.
We ended up going to this place Josh used to go to when he was young that is in a seedier part of Louisville. The salesman was really nice albeit a little pushy, turned out he was the owner of the place too.
They carry everything that Ashley Furniture carries and can order the pieces they don't have in store for quite a bit cheaper.
We ended up seeing a nice bedroom set in black with a twin sleigh bed that we both really liked. All of their beds came with mattress and box springs so that was even better.
The boys still really liked the loft bed idea but we were worried about the beds just not growing with them and the "cool" factor now at 5 years old just wouldn't carry over as long as we'd like with having to shell out over $1500 for them.
We ended up going for the black bedroom set and adding an extra twin. It came out less than the two loft beds and also had a chest and a long dresser that came with the set.
The best part was that they were able to deliver them that night. Sweet relief, we maybe had a whole nights worth of sleep ahead of us without little people kicking Josh out of bed.
These kids have a nicer bedroom set than we do that's for sure, our room is still an eclectic mix of junk pile finds and what people have given us...except for our king bed.
The boys were so excited to have "big boy" beds and we went on our way home to let them pick out bedding for their new beds.
They of course picked the same thing and both picked out a Star Wars themed comforter set.
They've been sleeping a bit better except now all their big furniture covers the outlets in their room so we can't use a plug in night light like we've had all along.Taylor woke up screaming at me about how scared he was so I've resorted to leaving the bathroom light on all night with the door cracked because their room is pitch black. I woke up with both of them bed with me this morning but since last week it's only been one of them or the other not both so that's a step in the right direction.

why yes that is a book "How to Speak Wookie" on their dresser.

This alarm clock here made me lose it when I went to Florida for my Uncles funeral (more on that later) He loved buying the boys cool new toys, clothes, video games...he loved when I would send him videos and was just an awesome great Uncle...he truly enjoyed the boys. When I got to my aunts and the first thing she did was tell me to make sure I took this home for the boys because he knew the boys would love it and he was saving it for their birthday I just lost it.
Needless to say, this little alarm clock has really helped our mornings. They have really liked having control of when they get up and hitting his head for the snooze. They've been carrying Anakin around all over the house.
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