We've given up the driving all over town and just spend the day at my mom's the entire time instead of leaving and going to Josh's two other aunts' houses. We love getting to see them on holidays too but it just ends up being way too stressful.
My Uncle Mike and his girlfriend Marcy were in town for Thanksgiving. It was really great to see him. He has made some big changes in his life this year and it was really amazing to see what a difference there was in him. My mom really had a great time with them while they were visiting.
The boys were stoked to watch the Thanksgiving parade with me this year. I've always loved watching the parades so it was nice to be able to share that with them this year.
Josh brought the mashed potatoes again this year....he really does make the best. We brought a potato bar this time with three different flavors. He made horseradish mashed, country style and a garlic and mushroom. They were a big hit.
All of the food was amazing as usual. My mom made some of my grandma's appetizers that she always would make during family functions. It was delicious!!
The boys had a great day playing and running around. Floyd found this remote control dump truck that they played with non stop all day long.
I was passed the torch this year and informed that this will be our last year for Thanksgiving at my mom's. Next year will be at our house since we have more room to be able to put a table that we can all sit at together.
I have to get on the hunt now for Thanksgiving decorations for next year!

I have to get on the hunt now for Thanksgiving decorations for next year!

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