Going ons.

I’ve definitely been neglecting my blog writings lately. With school and work, I don’t have much time to get online anymore.
Things are going really good. I aced my first quarter with a 4.0! It was a hard quarter, getting back into the swing of things and really studying my butt off.
I have been pretty much a hermit throughout the first quarter. There were many nights of frustration, second-guessing myself, and some tears. My “anatomy” class (that was actually called Integration of Human Sciences) was rough, even though it was an introduction and not full blown anatomy it was a LOT to learn.
I have a whole five day break until school starts back up Monday. This second quarter we have Fundamentals and we start our clinical rotation. I got my clinical assignment yesterday. I will be at a nursing home in Indiana every Wednesday night from 5-11. I have a feeling Wednesday nights I am going to pass out from exhaustion, since I fight with insomnia most nights, I can hope that’s the case.

The boys are doing great. Nana has been on a seven cruise to Belize, Honduras, Mexico and the Keys (that bitch! I’m a little jealous) this week so we’ve been adjusting to just being the four of us. She made them a calendar for each day of the week so they can cross off and know when she’s coming home. It also shows them where she is on that day, whether she’s on the ship or on a plane. It’s really cute. It’s been nice to just be the four of us. We’ve been sitting at the dining room table to eat dinner every night and the boys have really enjoyed that. I’ve loved being able to have that time with them, since I normally don’t get home until it’s almost bedtime.

They’ve been going back to their preschool this week half days. They’ve really enjoyed seeing all their old friends and the teachers. Since Josh was laid off they’ve been spending the days with Josh and Nana, so this was a nice change.
I was so hesitant about putting them in a chain daycare before they started going there, but the staff really makes the place. We’ve loved it for them.

 The boys have been working on word cards and are really getting great at recognizing most letters and can spell a couple of words. They can also read basic stories that Nana has written and practiced with them. It’s so amazing to watching them figuring this out.

Joshua and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary this week! It’s gone by so fast it seems. We’ve had our fair sure of triumph and challenges and we’re still chugging along. He is such a great partner, husband, dad, and friend. I feel lucky everyday. He knows all of the bad and good things about me, loves me madly and has such patience.
We have our moments of course, not everything is sunshine and rainbows…but I wouldn’t change a minute of it.

Best time of my day
All my boys

Cuddletime watching Star Wars
