The boys had a great Easter. They kept telling me that night what a great day they had! That's definitely what it's all about for me.
Saturday the boys and I dyed eggs and cleaned up the house a bit so the bunny could arrive the next morning and not trip over all the toys scattered around the house.
I wasn't too thrilled with the kits that I bought, but they did the job regardless.
While we were dyeing eggs the boys told me that they thought the Easter bunny would steal the eggs we dyed out of the fridge and hide them around the house so Josh planned to wake up early and do just that.

Mr Bunny and I stayed up late that night to stuff eggs for the egg hunt and getting the boys baskets together. I tried to make a last minute trip to the Disney Store on Friday night so the bunny could bring Special Agent Oso

Sunday morning Josh woke me up with "the boys are downstairs!" He heard them talking about their movies in their baskets. I couldn't believe it! They never get up in the morning without waking us up, even on Christmas morning. Thankfully Josh is a light sleeper.
They were so excited. The holidays are so much more fun getting to watch their excitement and joy in their eyes. It makes all the stressing about getting everything together worth it.
I was able to distract them for a little bit so Josh could hide the dyed eggs like we had planned and then we set them loose. Somehow they were still a bit wet and left us all with blue fingers!

Unfortunately, we got a call early in the morning that I missed that my mom was going to have to cancel Easter at her house. We've had a ridiculous amount of rain here in Louisville lately and there is flooding everywhere. They had one of their sumps go out and flood their basement. They had been up all night trying to make sure they were turning on.
I started calling my sisters to figure out what we wanted to do. We ended up having everyone at our house for the day.
Cue me running around cleaning even more like a crazy person. Thankfully I had started some cleaning Saturday, but not what I deemed enough to have 15 people in my house! I started de-doghairing the couches, vacuuming, mopping and wiping everything down. Josh ran to Kroger to get a small turkey and some sodas and dinner rolls and started cooking when he got back.
He made the most amazing Horseradish mashed potatoes. YUM!

Bunny Ears!
Because of all the rain we ended up having to do the other egg hunt with the plastic eggs for the kids indoors. They really didn't seem to mind at all.

It turned out to be a really good day with the family. I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
We actually got to get outside for a little bit before the rain started again.
Taylor got himself a good boo boo after running around. We think he slipped and then went head first into the side of my sister's car! I'm a mean mommy and couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully he wasn't hurt too bad, he just scuffed up his knee a bit. It was the beginning of him having a slight melt down. I think all the candy and not eating real food most of the day will do that to you.

Candy Overload!