My new toy that arrived last week has helped some. I've been drooling over the Iphone for a while and now that it's come to Verizon I just had to have it!
We'll go ahead and call it a "yay you're in school" present.
It's definitely helped to try to take more photos of the boys on the fly since I don't always have my real camera attached at the hip like I do my phone.
This week will mark the last week of this quarter that I have a Thursday class. I have to admit that I'm nervous about this "final". We have to act like the nurse in the situation (since that's what we're going to school for, of course) and run through a certain function at different stations.
I think I have the Gtube station and the Vital Signs down....the range of motion have seemed to be more difficult to remember. They aren't that hard, but trying to do them all without forgetting one is another thing.
Since this week we only have two exams I tried to do a little something with the boys since lately I am the absentee mother.
We decided on lunch and a movie.
They requested that this included milkshakes and Rango.
Taylor made it through about a half of a minute of the previews before having a melt down screaming and covering his ears that it was too loud.Josh had to take him out into the lobby while Callum and I sat and tried to enjoy the movie. Callum kept asking if his brother was coming back in and mentioning how Taylor would have loved that part.
Finally before the movie ended Callum decided that he missed his brother too much and he was finished with the movie.
Yep, we were totally that family. We had one kid screaming and crying that had to be escorted out at the very beginning, and then we were the people trying to leave and excusing ourselves past other viewers probably grumbling that we were up and in their way.
Now we's definitely more cost efficient to just go ahead and buy the DVD when it comes out rather than go to the least until they can handle the sound.
Either way I was glad to get out of the house and spend some time with the family before heading back into isolation with my notes and schoolbooks.

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