Callum picked out these cute Sketchers and Taylor picked the same ones. It was kind of funny because I told them they could pick whatever they wanted and didn't have to get the same....but they still picked the same.
After they tried them on Callum was running around the store saying "SUPER STRAP, I never have to tie my shoes again"
I had no idea what he was talking about. I asked him what he was saying and rolled his eyes and said "Mommy, its my shoes! That's the commercial!"
I can't believe he remembered some random commercial.
Goes to show you that advertising geared towards kids WORKS.
They got to pick out some new PJs as well while we were there.
These adorable Carter's PJs were on sale that were dress up PJs. They had construction workers, race car drivers, doctors and astronauts.
The boys picked out the doctor and astronaut.
They were so cute.
The boys are really into me taking their pictures right now.
Mostly because they want to be able to view them right after I do them.
They like to pose or do crazy faces.
We sat on the couch last night for a while looking through all the videos I have of them on my camera.
They can both mostly pick out themselves in pictures. Every now and then they pick the wrong one. Now that Taylor has his Harry Potter like scar they can definitely pick out who is who.
I was watching the news getting ready for work yesterday and Callum was up sitting on my bed watching the news with me.
They had on the story about the twin astronauts. He thought that was amazing and told me, "I told you Mommy, we want to be astronauts!"
It's funny, every day they have a new profession that they want to be.
After shoe shopping Callum told me he wanted to be a farmer, Taylor said he wanted to be a cow! lol
Earlier this week Callum wanted to own his own restaurant. He said he'll serve tomatoes, "cause people like tomatoes"

while this looks adorable like they're holding hands, Taylor was trying to grab his brother's penis.

Taylor being pouty face

Callum being a crazy person!
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