They've wanted a Buzz & Woody all along and I figured that Nana wouldn't be able to get it anytime soon, so I had of course put them on layaway for Santa presents.
Guess what they picked?! I'm not surprised, they've been asking for them for months.
They're in love with Woody moreso than Buzz, but Woody is definitely more cuddly.
While we were at the mall we walked past Santa and there was NO line!
They asked to go in and see him and I of course bought pictures.
This Santa was their very first Santa from when they were infants, so that was really cool. I was looking through our pictures to do a Santa timeline and realized that we missed a year and didn't see Santa.
Santa @ 4 months old 2006

Santa @ 2 years old 2008

Santa @ 3 years old 2009

He was in the middle of talking to the boys so he looks kinda angry, but the lady just told me to pretend he was ho ho hoing. So that's what I'll think!
The boys adored him and Callum talked his head off to him about all the he wants for Christmas, and talked for his brother since Taylor usually clams up when it's talking to strangers.
At home he's never quiet!
Hey, it's Kalli from lj!! How cute are your boys?!?!? I just love them!!
I love Santa pictures!!!
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