Christmas Eve was pretty quiet, we got our last minute wrapping done and just hung out around the house.
The Tiptons came over that night with the Noodle to exchange the kids gifts.
They loved what they got! They both got tool sets that are awesome and had so many tools.
Josh and I were up until after 1 getting Santa stuff out and set up.
The boys didn't wake up until almost 9 Christmas morning. They weren't really crazy and took their time investigating everything they got.
They were very excited about their Phineus, Ferb and Perry dolls and said their favorite thing was their Dragon Castle.
We opened gifts from under the tree to each other and from my Dad and Lisa.
The boys loved everything they got!
We headed to my mom's around 1 and spent time with them until around 5 or so when we headed to Josh's Aunt Mary's house.
The boys were so overwhelmed at my mom's and hardly opened a single present.
It was definitely overstimulation and they started getting whiney and weird.
It could have also been that they had no nap that day as well.
The boys got the kids rough and tough cameras from my mom and Floyd and they LOVED them. They've taken so many pictures and are finally figuring out how to really use them.
We got so many great presents and had a really great day.
Floyd made an awesome lasagna and I ate SO much food!
Everyone was gone from his Aunt's house so it was relaxing going over there, we just hung out, ate more food and watched some tv.
I got most of the living room cleaned up that evening but our kitchen is still a disaster.
The day after Christmas I got the boys pictures from their cameras uploaded and programmed their Tag readers they got from Grandpa John and Grandma Lisa. They've been a big hit.

The boys getting their toolbelts on with Kristen


The boys put out their cookies they made with Nana and "reindeer food" We didn't have carrots, so it entailed oats, granola and raisins.

After Santa came

Waking up and checking out the loot

At Mammaw's

Ashley & Matt

Josh & I

Mom & Floyd

Shannon & Josh

Mom & the boys

Looks like it was a great Christmas! Love the hat!!
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