We ate so much food and got so many nice things.
The boys had a great first Christmas!
I took a ton of pictures of the boys on Christmas Eve morning while we played on the floor and I finally got a picture of the ever elusive front teeth of Taylor’s!!!

Taylor is such a ham for the camera.

He’s started getting bashful though. He’ll cover his face or cover it with his blanket. It’s adorable!

My little peanut Callum. Look at those lashes!

Oh come on mom!! Look at those little teefers!!!!

Get your camera outta my face mom!

I’m serious!!!!

Callum was trying to eat Taylor’s hand! Haha.

He just thinks it’s tasty

My mom’s friend made them those hats. She actually spun the thread and everything! They’re really soft.

I just love the big man’s face in this picture!!

Callum’s pouty face!!
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