My little boys. You are three months old now. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were driving to the hospital to have you. I knew as soon as I had you that you were the babies that I had always dreamed of having. It was like I always knew you and I always knew your faces.
You have both grown so much. You spend Monday through Friday with your Aunt Ashley while mommy and daddy are at work. You have both really taken to her. She likes to make faces at you and and be silly and you both just laugh and laugh at her.
Thursday and Friday you spend with Nana and you love that. Nana sings you songs and plays with you all day. She always has one of you in her arms.
You both have such different personalities. You are each your own little person. You're both such good babies. Neither of you are ever fussy for no reason. You're content sitting in your bouncy seats, in the swing or in someone's arms.
I could spend all day staring at your beautiful little faces.
Taylor, you are always squealing and babbling. You are just so happy all the time. You wake up happy, smiling at everything. You have just realized that you can grab things and you have been grabbing at your Mr. Bee and crinkling his wings, you grab mommy's hair by the handfuls. You are doing so good holding your head up. You are only a little wobbly still. You have headbutted me a few times, but you are really getting the hang of it. You're almost sleeping through the night now.
Callum, you are such a sly little guy. You love giving big smiles, but only on your time and at your pace. You get this little look on your face like you know that we want you to give us a smile and you just give a little grin. You are starting to catch up with your brother. You are actually wearing 3-6 month sleepers now! You love to squeal and babble too. But, the same as the smiling you do it on your time. You love staring at the t.v., especially at Grandma Jill and Grandpa Floyd's house. We've tried to tell them that you want a 50 inch t.v. for Christmas! I don't think they're going for it. You're getting so much better at holding your head up too! You have headbutted me pretty hard a few times, but you just keep trying and in no time you'll be in control of that head looking all around.
You had your first Thanksgiving last week. You're still young to eat real food. So you got to feast on your bottles. We made three stops for Thanksgiving. We went and visited your Great Aunt Mary and you got your pictures taken with your second cousins Krissa and Jonathan. They're a month older than you, but you all look about the same size. You were both passed around and everybody said how cute you both are. After Aunt Mary's we went to Grandma Jill's & Grandpa Floyd's house. You got to see your Aunt Shannon, Aunt Ashley & Uncle Matt, your Great Aunt Jan and her boyfriend Tony. Later on you got to see my cousin Brionne and her husband Shane, my cousin Justyn and his girlfriend Heather and your second cousin Cayden that is three months older than you. He loved staring at both of you. Then we left and went to visit your Great Aunt Bernadine, by that time you were both exhausted and ready to go home. It had been such a busy day.
This year will be your first Christmas and even though you won't know what's going on I know that you will love the lights on your Grandma's tree. We're going to take you to see Santa next week and get your pictures taken!
Your dad and I love you two so much. You amaze us everyday.
Being your mommy has made me a better person. I can't imagine not having either of you in our lives.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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