i spiked my new bag this morning without a hitch, i did throw up this morning and got blood backing up into my line, that was pretty creepy. i called the nurse to be sure of what to do, because the blood backing up stopped the drip, it ended up clearing itself out and started dripping again, she said next time just clip off the line, unhook myself and do a saline flush and then hook back up to the IV.
no problem.
i'm pretty bored.
i'm actually hungry. i would love a grilled cheese. i ate some pudding this morning.
i have a sweet little IV stand to wheel around the house with me. it's a pain to roll on carpet though.
almost easier to just carry.
wow, i have peed so damn much lately too. i'm glad to feel like i am getting normal body functions back.
since i'm bored i took a picture of my hand and my IV bags.
i'm having my moments of feeling sorry for myself, or i move my hand weird and it makes me cry.
i keep getting nose bleeds. so i am off and on feeling more positive and just being emotional.

i just did my meds again and holy hell that really really HURT this time. i cried for a good half hour and finally had to calm down when i realized i was making my blood back up in the line from all that bawling.
i think i do better when someone is here watching me do it because it makes me suck it up.
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