He came in pretty late Friday night and the boys couldn't go to sleep and stayed up late waiting for him to get in. They were SO excited to see him. Ash had planned the next day for us to go to Huber's up in Indiana to the pumpkin patch and they also have a winery there.
It was a beautiful day, a tad cold but a beautiful sunny day.
We went out to the pumpkin patch, did some shopping, got a pitcher of Sangria and went into the kids area for the boys to play.
Taylor navigated us through a corn maze and did a great job. We let him lead the way and decide all our turns and he found our way out pretty fast. He was so proud!
It was another pretty low key visit. We didn't really do a ton, I had to do my clinicals Monday and Tuesday but I took the days off work so I could see him during the day and then head out to clinicals at night. Sunday we went to the mall for a while, had lunch and went down to the Riverfront park to walk around.
Monday we went to an antique mall and walked around and talked and then had lunch at a Mediterranean place in our neighborhood. When we were done I had to head home and change and go up to Sellersburg for my clinical that night and they all went to some more antique and thrift shops since my sister was still on the hunt for some costume stuff.
Dad and I went up to the boys school Tuesday and had lunch with them and walked around the track during their recess time after lunch. They were beaming and so happy that he came to school to see them.
It was sad to see him go again, but there's always next year!

I have no ass!

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