I hope all the moms out there had a great Mother’s Day!
I had a great day.
The sisters and I took my mom and my mother in law out to brunch…well we were going to do brunch. The place we wanted to go didn’t take reservations and when we got there it was an hour to two-hour wait. We decided to drive around and find another place to go.
We ended up going to a place called Mojito Tapas; I thought their food was amazing. I think we were all pretty happy with our change at the last minute.
After lunch we went back to my mom’s house and Josh brought the boys over. We spent the day lounging around in the sun and “swimming” with the boys in my mom and Floyd’s hot tub. Taylor had a blast! Callum isn’t much for swimming. He’s still pretty apprehensive. Taylor knows he can stand up in the middle and walk around so he was good to go. I spent a couple hours in there with him pulling him around and him jumping from the sides to me.
I got some reading in on the new Sookie
book and finished it up that night.
It was a perfect day. Definitely what I needed for the weekend.
School has been going pretty good. I wasn’t too happy with my last test score, but that was definitely all my fault. I didn’t put in the time I should have with that test. I thought I was good, but apparently I was wrong!
I’m definitely buckling down more this week and making sure to do my regular studying routine for our test next week.
We’ve started our clinicals this quarter. I really like it. It’s a little nerve wracking jumping right in there, but I like having that hands on training. It helps to feel a little more comfortable with the things that we’re learning in the clinical lab on mannequins.

My momma & me around 1981

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