The boys are old enough now to decide if they want to go outside and play in it or not.
It's been pretty hard to get them to leave the comfort of the living room with the fire going to play outside in the cold.
This night Callum was ready to go outside and play in it but he woke up in a pretty bad mood from nap and spent most of the time upset that the snow wasn't wet enough to make a proper snowball and they kept falling apart.
Finally after watching from the sliding glass door Taylor was ready to come outside about the same time Callum was ready to go in.
Taylor was happy to eat the snow, throw snowballs at the sliding glass door to taunt his brother and walk around the house with me. We talked about how quiet everything was with the snow covering the neighborhood.
Callum with his snowball he clung onto dear life

Taylor was ready to come out and play!

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