It's been pretty insane the last few weeks.
It's starting to hit me, this huge financial obligation of owning your own home.
I think we'll do well, but we definitely have some budget cracking down to do.
The boys and the dogs both are loving the bigger house.
More room to run and play.
Hopefully we'll get more settled in as the weeks go on.
I can't wait to start using our big yard and having bbqs and stuff over the summer.
There is so many things I'd like to do. We just have to pace ourselves since we're in this for the long haul.
I think the small changes we made before we moved in have definitely helped make feel more like home.
We painted over wood paneling in the family room since it felt like a dungeon.
My arch nemesis the wallpaper is gone. The bathroom upstairs looks so much better without it.
We still have lots of pictures to hang and things to put up, we've told ourselves we'll do a room a day and start getting it all done.
Living with tons of boxes is really driving me nuts, its all part of the process I suppose. It still makes me crazy.
We have things to still get from the old house.
Thankfully since we were renting from a family friend she is in no rush for all of our crap to be completely gone.
I didn't make any trips over there last week. Josh and his mom have been going over every day to grab something.
I haven't made any use of our Y membership that Josh got me for mother's day. With all the moving there just hasn't been time.
The boys last week of preschool is this coming week.
Nana wanted to keep them part of summer instead of us having to pay for them to stay where they are.
That will be a huge chunk of change saved.
JESUS preschool is expensive.
If we hadn't stashed money away for it there would be no way that the boys could have gone.
I get to go this week and get them registered for public PreK. I have no idea what the cost is of that, but I'll find out soon enough.
Just the thought of them going to an actual elementary school already is just insane!!
Here are a few pictures of the house. I've posted some on facebook so I am sure some of you have seen them already.
I'll do some before and afters.
Unfortunately I didn't take ANY of the bathroom fully wallpapered! I have no idea how I forgot!
During the peeling process

This is a piece of the wallpaper

new bathroom! I also painted the vanity black

Living Room Before

Living Room after and still in process

The boys room is looking amazing. My sister is doing such an awesome job in there.
She painted the Millenium Falcon Saturday night. The boys are so excited about their Star Wars room!
Our room looks barren! We have two dressers our bed and two side tables and we have SO much room, I don't know what to do with it all!
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