Lately we've been taking the long way places, or home so the boys can enjoy all the Christmas lights.
They LOVE it.
It's sort of a competition between them because they boast who has what out of "their" window.
Yesterday we went and bought stuff for a Gingerbread House, I will admit I cheated.
I bought a Gingerbread kit instead of having to bake it, put it together and decorate it.
The kit came already assembled and had all the goodies to decorate.
I was looking forward to doing it with the boys, but they were way to excited to wait for me to come home from work to do.
I told Nana if it became an issue for her to do it since either way it was for them, even if I didn't get to witness it.
We also bought all of the stuff to make holiday cookies.
I've never been much of a cook, and not a baker either. I put the full amount of butter in which made it a bit difficult and sticky to use the cookie cutters with.
I did another "cheat" and once they came out of the oven looking nothing like what they went in as, I cut them with the cookie cutter again!
It worked perfectly.
The boys had a blast decorating them and couldn't wait to devour all of them.
I of course told them they could only pick ONE tonight. We had enough icing licks to keep them up all night.

Don't worry, we didn't let the excess go to waste.

Taylor with his chosen cookie

Callum with his chosen cookie

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