The boys love Mammaw's house around Halloween. They were excited all day to go to her Halloween Party.
My sisters were both dressed amazing.
Matt looked like a very sad Narwhal. Poor thing just had his gallbladder taken out Friday and was still pretty immobile.
Floyd finished the boys Fire Engine and it looked amazing!
The boys really weren't all that into Trick Or Treating this year and were ready to head back about three houses in.
Taking two three year olds around in costume to collect candy is like wrangling cats.
I won't lie, I was frustrated.
They were getting upset because they wanted in the wagon and didn't want to walk, or thought we were leaving people behind.
But, all in all they had a good time and that's what it's all about!

Hostest with the Mostest, my mom

Totally his father! lol

This was Callum's favorite decoration and he carried it around like a baby doll. It was hilarious. It would say "I can't feel my legs!" Callum of course would respond, "well you don't have any!"

I borrowed my mom's dead bride costume

Josh went as a Sparks lover

Ashley & Matt, the amazing Eskimo and Narwhal

Shannon and Josh were a very awesome Rocky & Bullwinkle.

I hope everyone had a Happy and Safe Halloween!!
I'm jealous that it was that cool up there that Callum could wear that costume. LOL! It was 85 degrees (at night) down here, yuk! I love that you put them in complimentary costumes, Rhi. They are quite the team. :-)
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