I'm hoping we can get to Huber's sometime before Halloween. If only for the awesome pictures I could get of the boys in a pumpkin patch!
There is some sort of Fall Homecoming going on over in Indiana that I would like to go to. I surely don't want to just be in the house this weekend since it's supposed to be gorgeous. Plus, the boys can have a chance to wear hoodies!
I am totally too excited about hoodies.
That reminds me....I need to pull mine out of the bin in the basement.
I need to remember to get out hangers to get our room more organized as well.
I am hoping to get more shopping done this weekend for odds and ends that we need for the house....like CURTAINS. I've been getting dressed and undressed in our room since we moved in with nothing on the windows. Someone has been getting a show (or a horror show) that's for sure.
I hate that our walls are paper thin. Even the exterior walls seem to be.
I may have to kill a certain Jack Russell next door that won't ever shut the hell up.
I'm so glad that I'm working at CC today. Yay for getting off at 5pm! I usually work at the motorcycle shop Fridays and there I work until 6.
BOO. Having to cross the bridge back into Kentucky usually doesn't get me home until almost 7 some nights.
Josh is getting himself all squared away to start school back up in January. I'm so proud of him.
It's going to be a tough year or two though......he won't be home much. But, I know that this will be so great for our family in the long run. Plus, once he's done I can get my ass in gear and in school.......for something.
Poor Josh had an awful migraine this morning. He left work after his meds didn't seem to work and he puked at work.
He came home with his eyes all swollen and his blood vessels around his eyes all broken.
I'm hoping the Imitrex will work for him again since this new one hasn't.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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