Five Months Old
January 29 2007
My sweet boys. You are five months old! Time is just whizzing past and I can't believe how fast you are both growing.
Taylor my cuddle bug, you have four teeth now! You are still just as talkative and such a happy baby. You smile all the time and you just recently figured out how to blow rasberries and just love it. You rolled over for the first time a couple days ago! I took a picture right afterwards. You and Callum were laying on the blanket on the floor with all your toys and you were reaching for something and you went right over. You did it again this week. Soon enough you're going to be rolling everywhere on your own! Although you don't like it when you roll to your tummy since you don't like tummy time very much! You'd rather be on your back getting at your feet! Your feet are almost always damp from you chewing on the feet of your pjs. For the most part you wake up a happy boy just smiling away.
Callum, you sweet boy. You have three of your front teeth and are still working on the fourth one. You both have been so miserable teething. Hopefully it will get better soon. You just love sitting with your daddy or I. You have been laughing so much lately. You find everything funny. You sleep in your swing mostly, with the teething it's what seems to soothe you so you can get some sleep. You are a champ at holding up your head and you love tummy time. You poor thing, you wake up like your mommy! It takes you a little while to wake up and get into a good mood.
You LOVE the jumperoo that grandma got you guys for Christmas. You just jump away in it. It looks like you're dancing. It just cracks daddy and I up.
Neither of you are sleeping through the night for the most part. Mommy is still sleeping in the living room with you both. Hopefully we can transition to the crib soon! I figure that once we start some solids that maybe you will sleep through the night and not wake up for a bottle at 3 in the morning.
Daddy is great and leaves his door open so he can get up to help if I can't get to someone fast enough. You both have quick tempers and aren't very happy when I can't get your bottles as fast as you'd like to have them!
We'll be having our first move with you guys real soon, but I'll be able to write about that more in your next letter.
You are both such a joy to Dad and I. We have adored watching you grow from such little newborns to such big aware babies. You are such gorgeous babies. Everyone just fawns over you when we take you anywhere. I can't blame them, I may be biased but you are both such handsome little boys. You melt my heart everyday. I love you both so very much. I am so excited to watch you two grow up.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
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