Hi everyone!!
I don't have much time to do a proper birth story just yet. But I wanted to update and tell everyone hello and thank you for all the congrats wishes about the boys.
They are absolutely precious and I am so in love.
They had low temps when they discharged me so they wouldn't discharge the boys. They've been in the regular nursery for observation for the last two days that I've been home. Josh and I have been going up and visiting and feeding them while they've been in there. Taylor was ready to come home yesterday but I didn't want to seperate them. They've had them in the same little crib sleeping together. I would feel bad taking Taylor away from Callum.
We're going up there in a couple minutes and hopefully they'll both be discharged!!!
I'll update proper soon with a birth story and more pictures.
I've been pumping since I was trying to breastfeed in the hospital...but my supply doesn't seem to be so great.
I only got about an ounce total expressed this morning. It's good to feed them every other feeding since some is better than none...but I hope that I get more milk coming in....until then I'll just keep pumping and hope that I'll get some more in.
Well, off to the hospital. I hope that Callum can pass their car seat test this morning.
Does every state do that? He has to be able to sit in his car seat for the length of time it takes us to get home to make sure he can handle the ride and doesn't have any dips in heartrate.
Ok well we're off!
I hope everyone is doing well.
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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