i have the worst heartburn.
what i have eaten today.......
a sesame bagel w/ cream cheese at 8am
1 lemon mini muffin (and i mean really really mini)at around 10am
small lunch size of blueberry yogurt around 1:00pm
small lunch size fruitcup around 1:15pm
but...i did have a small cup of coffee this morning....and i have been sucking back tons of water.
they just hate me.
i can't eat anything.
i told josh they were kicking me in the ribs this morning and making me cry.
he said they wanted a big mac.
i told him that even if i ate one to appease them it would just make me want to puke for the rest of the day.
i have the worst sour throat feeling.
they have been kicking like crazy lately!
josh felt them kicking his hand the other night. that was so amazing.
they were kicking my hand last night while i had it resting on my belly. either they don't like us blocking "the view" or they are like....hey we're cramped enough!! move it!
Yasadışı Bahis Suçu ve Cezası 2025
5 weeks ago
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