We had a great time. I dressed up as Frenchie from Grease and Josh went as a Death Eater but didn't wear his mask most of the night since it was so hot.
We did our usual trick or treating and went to my mom and Floyd's for trick or treating their neighborhood. They made chili and the large group of us adults and the boys headed out for candy.
The boys were so excited for their costumes this year. They have always chosen their own costumes and this year was no different. They wanted to be Harry and Ron from Harry Potter. Harry Potter is an institution in this house. They have a definite obsession.
Taylor has always said he is Harry Potter because of the scar he has on his forehead from when they were little. Callum wanted to be Ron and had to have his hair orange as well. We picked up hair spray both orange and red to try and get the color right. They were both so excited.
It's so much fun to do Halloween with them. They have already started thinking about their ideas for costumes for next year.

Before we sprayed Callum's hair.