Saturday after we went out to lunch with Nana for her birthday we stopped by Brown Park in St Matthews. They were having some sort of health fair with all sorts of fun activities for the kids. They had at least five bounce houses, a Tumble Bus, the St Matthews fire department and all sorts of other vendors giving away free swag.
We ran into our old neighbor that we lived next to almost four years ago now when the boys were babies. He had a booth giving out information for dental screenings for kids going into school this year.
I didn't even think to take my camera with me since we were just going out to lunch and then stopped by to check this out. Josh and Nana took a few pictures on their phones right before we were leaving. They had a little petting zoo and the boys got to pick up chickens, pet llamas, a horse, a pig and some bunnies.
The boys spent a ton of time on the Tumble Bus. It took them a while to even want to get on there and check it out, but once they did they didn't want to get off. The lady in there with them was so nice and they really liked her. The vendors there including the bus and the petting zoo had a good set up for the free advertisement. I'll definitely remember them for future birthday party ideas.

Callum petting the horse and Taylor posing

Chicken wrangling!
Sunday we drove to New Haven, KY to go to the KY Railway Museum for the "Day out with Thomas". The drive was really pretty. Being a city girl my whole life, I love taking drives out into the country. I have to admit that they make me a little bit nervous. I was happy that Josh drove so I could sit in the passenger seat and stare out the window.
The boys had a great time. It started out fairly overcast but by the end of the day was pretty sunny and hot. We got there over an hour early before we got to take our ride on the train so we got to walk around and have fun at the little stations they had set up for the kids. The boys go to play with bubbles at the Bubble Truck and jump in a bounce house, and play with the train tables they had set up under a tent.
They had an area to meet and get your picture taken with Sir Toppem Hat, but the boys couldn't be less interested in waiting in line. They were pretty disinterested in waiting in line to get a picture in front of Thomas either. The less waiting in line was just fine with me.
The train ride was really cute. The boys got to give their tickets to the conductor and it was about a 20 minute ride. They just take a ride out a ways backwards and then you go back into the station.
It was the boys first train ride and they thought it was pretty neat. Taylor was amazed that there was a "real" Thomas. He's convinced that they made the show after the "real" Thomas.
The gift shop tent of Thomas stuff was highway robbery. Thankfully my kids picked their usual stuffed animals and were just fine with spending $7 rather than having to have the $30 trains.

It was a great family fun weekend!