We finally took the boys to their first haircut last Saturday at Cookie Cutters.
Neither of them were particularly happy about getting sprayed with water. But they both got a bit better about it towards the end. Taylor sat in a red fire truck looking car and Callum sat in a pink jeep for their haircuts.
Callum still has a little more hair than Taylor. I think because he was much more squirmy during it all.

I have to admit I miss the curls.
This was last week during the power outage.

Taylor put Elmo in time out for biting me.
Taylor ended up getting his hair cut in the little red car, Callum sat in the pink jeep! lol

Taylor getting his hair cut by the no personality lady.

Callum was less than pleased to be squirted with water.

we spent a lot of time blowing bubbles and trying to divert his attention.

Once we were done they both got TWO balloons and even though we didn't buy their "first haircut" package they still put some culrs in little baggies for us and wrote their names on them.
They didn't want to leave the place since they had a playground, but after they were done we went to Denny's and they got to load up on fruit, chicken nuggets and apple juice.

Callum once we got home.

Taylor being a puppy dog.

Taylor's what the heck are you doing look?

Even though the lady that cut Callum's hair had personality she didn't do a great job...he's got little flippies and longer pieces all over.
Mammaw will probably bring her shears by to fix it at some point.